Episode 3

Cave Aged Hudson Flower & Ovelha Amanteigado

In the third episode, Brittany is back at it again - chatting about more artisanal cheese.

She also touches upon how you can help support Vermont farms and farmers after the recent devastating flood. After that, back to business with 2 new cheeses this week: the Murray's Cave Aged Reserve Hudson Flower (hint: Old Chatham Creamery is involved!), aged near her in Queens, NYC, and the first international cheese of the show, Ovelha Amanteigado.

Brittany walks us through the sights, smells, tastes, and pairing options of each gourmet cheese as well as a number of fun facts related to these raw sheep's milk cheeses, such as the Murray's and Kroeger union, a manmade watering hole inside of a lake in Portugal, and more! These 2 kinds of cheese have different characteristics, but as you'll find out, share a lot in common

Support Vermont Farms & Farmers

Support Artisanal Cheesemakers

Murray’s Cheese

Cave Aged Reserve Hudson Flower

Queijos Tavares

Ovelha Amanteigado


Episode 4


Episode 2